Presented by Syracuse University's Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Recently, loneliness was declared an epidemic by the United States Surgeon General.  Finding community on campus can be a challenge for students. The lonely campus podcast shares the experiences of Syracuse University community members who have learned to navigate campus, which can be lonely at times, and make it their own.  The podcast seeks to foster a sense belonging for all campus members as it outlines the steps fellow members have taken to build their campus community.  lonely campus is produced by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Administrative Fellow and TRIO Student Support Services Associate Director Amy Messersmith. 

Latest Episodes

Episode 12: lonely campus podcast with Claire Perrott (Postdoc Episode)

Episode 13 of the lonely campus podcast focuses on postdocs and features Claire Perrott, a Professional Development Postdoctoral Fellow in the Office of Research.  Cla...

Episode 11: lonely campus podcast with Alyssa Sutherland (Part 2) featuring Natalia Pedraza and Nacy Woods

This episode of the lonely campus podcast was originally recorded back in spring 2022, so we are retrofitting this podcast into lonely campus. However, because the pod...

Episode 10: lonely campus podcast with Alyssa Sutherland (Part 1)

This episode of the lonely campus podcast was originally recorded back in spring 2022, so we are retrofitting this podcast into lonely campus. However, because it fall...

Episode 9: lonely campus podcast with Jennalyn Williamson

Episode 8 of the lonely campus podcast features Jennalyn Williamson.  Jennalyn is a first year student from New Hampshire enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences ...

Episode 8 (Special): Preview of lonely campus podcast episodes for FYS 101

Recently, loneliness was declared an epidemic by the United States Surgeon General. Finding community on campus can be a challenge for students. The lonely campus podc...

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