Jalyss Agosto

Jalyss Agosto

Episode 6 features Jalyss Agosto, a graduate student studying Broadcast and Digital Journalism at Newhouse. Jalyss is of Puerto Rican and Peruvian descent who was born in the Bronx but grew up in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Jalyss comes to Syracuse from Westchester University of Pennsylvania, where she studied Media and Culture.

Appears in 2 Episodes

Episode 8 (Special): Preview of lonely campus podcast episodes for FYS 101

Recently, loneliness was declared an epidemic by the United States Surgeon General. Finding community on campus can be a challenge for students. The lonely campus podc...

Episode 6: lonely campus podcast with Jalyss Agosto

Episode 6 features Newhouse graduate student Jalyss Agosto, who is studying Broadcast and Digital Journalism. Jalyss is of Puerto Rican and Peruvian descent who was bo...

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