Jennalyn Williamson

Jennalyn Williamson

Jennalyn Williamson is a first year TRIO SSS student from New Hampshire enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences studying psychology and health humanities. Jennalyn talks openly about her attempts to find community her first year and the significant impact joining Kappa Alpha Theta sorority had on her college experience.

Appears in 2 Episodes

Episode 9: lonely campus podcast with Jennalyn Williamson

Episode 8 of the lonely campus podcast features Jennalyn Williamson.  Jennalyn is a first year student from New Hampshire enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences ...

Episode 8 (Special): Preview of lonely campus podcast episodes for FYS 101

Recently, loneliness was declared an epidemic by the United States Surgeon General. Finding community on campus can be a challenge for students. The lonely campus podc...

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