Episode 10: lonely campus podcast with Alyssa Sutherland (Part 1)

This episode of the lonely campus podcast was originally recorded back in spring 2022, so we are retrofitting this podcast into lonely campus. However, because it falls squarely under the theme of "inclusion and belonging," we think that these podcasts are a valuable addition to the lonely campus podcast.  

This episode is the first part of a 2 part series that features Syracuse University undergraduate student Alyssa Sutherland, who is a Biology and Neuroscience major in the College of Arts and Sciences.  The focus of this 2 part podcast series is being a woman of color rushing Panhellenic sororities (which tend to be predominantly white). Back in spring 2022, Alyssa was a first year student who had just completed the Panhellenic rush process. She wanted to record this podcast for two main reasons: create a resource for incoming women of color who might be curious about rushing Panhellenic sororities and start a dialogue to get sororities thinking about how they might become more inclusive.  

Part 1 focuses on Alyssa's story and her reasons why she wanted to record a podcast on this particular topic. Part 2, also recorded in spring 2022, was produced and hosted by Alyssa herself where she invites two other students to join the conversation: Natalia Pedraza, who had also just completed rush, and Nacy Woods, the spring 2022 Panhellenic Council's Recruitment Chair.  Edited by Amy Messersmith. Transcript available upon request.

Creators and Guests

Amy Messersmith
Amy Messersmith
Amy Messersmith is one of two inaugural Office of Diversity and Inclusion Administrative Fellows at Syracuse University. She is the Associate Director of Student Support Services (SSS) and works closely with the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). HEOP and SSS are two opportunity programs that serve undergraduates at SU, many who are first generation college students. Amy collaborated with a team of likeminded staff and faculty to create The SENSES Project in 2021, which is a student focused recording studio and podcasting program for HEOP and SSS students and their friends. If you want to share your story on the lonely campus podcast, please email Amy at akhoran@syr.edu.
Alyssa Sutherland
Alyssa Sutherland
Alyssa Sutherland is an undergraduate student studying Biology and Neuroscience in the College of Arts and Sciences. In fall 2021, Alyssa met lonely campus podcast host Amy Messersmith in FYS 101. In spring 2022, Alyssa recorded two podcasts focused on the experiences of women of color rushing Panhellenic sororities. Because these podcasts fit so squarely under the theme of Inclusion and Belonging, we're including them in the lonely campus podcast.
Episode 10: lonely campus podcast with Alyssa Sutherland (Part 1)
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